The “New German ART of Healing” does NOT equal “German New Medicine (GNM)”!
The founder of GNM, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, who passed away lately, was particularly concerned that unauthorised therapists would use his name for their purposes:
“Those groups and individuals, who plagiarize and corrupt my discoveries say that GNM does not offer any therapy. They make the patients and the public in large falsely believe that their ‘therapies, their ‘remedies’ or their ‘devices’ is an application of German New Medicine.”
So, let me clarify right from the start:
The “New German ART of Healing” is NOT an application of GNM!
However, there are a few aspects of GNM, which I have found true and helpful so far.
Let me introduce you to MY personal GNM-favourites:
I highly respect Dr. Hamer as a true pioneer of Modern Medicine.
Triggered by the tragic death of his son, Dirk Hamer,in 1978, and his own cancer, which he identified as related to this shock, Dr.Ryke Hamer has plunged himself into medical research for 3 decades.
With ‘1% inspiration and 99%transpiration’ he made simply stunning findings.
Dr. Hamer’s simple and genius hypothesis:
“If my cancer was clearly related to my son’s shocking death…AND healed by my insights regarding this correlation…
Would not every cancer possibly be related to a certain shock-and could not EVERY cancer be healed by identifying AND resolving this shock?”
Having been an oncologist for many years at the time of his own cancer-outbreak, Dr. Hamer had access to a multitude of old patient’s files and, of course, new cancer patients.
Over the years, Dr. Hamer was able to verify his hypothesis in 40 000!!! cases.
Moreover, he found a clear relation between a certain type of conflict/shock and certain organs.
That matches very well with e.g. Acupuncture and Psycho-Kinesiology (ART).
Moreover, he found that there are always well defined areas in the brain, which react to the shock.
These areas become visible in CT scans-formerly misinterpreted as ‘round artefacts’. That’s NEW!
The concepts and teachings of GNM are based on these –absolutely stunning!- findings.
Whilst I have a deep respect for Dr. Hamer’s research , I do not share all of his views.
Hence I only use some aspects of GNM, particularly the correlation between a certain organ and a well-defined brain-area, a ‘Hamer’s Focus’ or HH = Hamer’scher Herd.
If you know, where to look for a “HH”, any therapy might become much more targeted.
I hope that the random use of these particular aspects of GNM in the “New German ART of Healing” does not push me in the corner of ‘GNM-plagiarism’, with which I’d partially agree:
GNM, also in my view, is much more a –revolutionary!-diagnostic than a clear therapeutic concept.
I do, indeed, offer my therapies, remedies, potentially devices…in accordance with the diagnostics of