

is making headlines!
Clive Palmer bought into it
Donald Trump is taking it
The FDA is warning against it
Nancy Pelosi is ranting about it
Channel 9 broadcasts, that it could be deadly…

is an innocent drug!
It doesn’t intend to become famous
It doesn’t deserve to be used for political gain
It should be used for the benefit of people!

is NOT an anti-viral drug!!!
It’s an anti-parasite remedy.
it has shown good results
in viral outbreaks like
SARS, MERS…and now

WHY does a hugely common remedy 
spark such a worldwide controversy?
Let me give you a very simple answer:


TRUTH is always SIMPLE
never complicated
The very simple TRUTH here is:

Many people on this planet have a huge
The more ‘civilised’ our modern societies,
the more we are facing:
as an integral part of ANY

is skyrocketing!!!
remains under diagnosed
and therefore not treated:

thrive with:
+ a toxic environment
+ bad food
+ a lack of sunlight
+ stress
We might be able to agree,
that these factors have gotten out of bounds
in the past 50 years:
Allergies, Auto-Immune Disease, AHDS,Alzheimer’s,
Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, MS,Parkinson’s… name it…
are steadily on the rise.
to all those sooo ‘mysterious’ diseases:

Therefore it is no wonder,
that a little virus like
has such a big impact.

Therefore it is no wonder,
that a little drug like
has such a big impact!

Therefore it would be worth
having a closer look
at the forces, which
favour or poopoo

Country doctors, who simply treat their patients, like:
Vladimir Zelenko
Health workers, who want to survive a huge exposure
People with COMMON SENSE, who want to get on with their lives
‘Billionaires’, like
Donald Trump, Clive Palmer, Elon Musk
The Pharmaceutical Industry and their allies:
Media, leftists,Bill Gates, FDA, WHO
Governments, who are super ill-advised by ‘medical experts’,
who are a product of the above mentioned forces
Meghan and Harry and other ‘know-it-all’ ‘influencers.

Judge yourself!
Whom would you trust?
People, who practise, what they preach?
Or people with some ideas???
Judge yourself!

My judgement is 100% clear:
It helps much better, if we understand, what we are doing!

does NOT treat
As an anti-parasite drug
it reduces the

works best:
second best:
at an EARLY STAGE of the infection
next to never:
when it’s too late, mate!

Donald Trump is RIGHT!
His gut-feeling is better than any scientists’ twisted mind.
It’s of NO USE to conduct any ‘studies’ of
in dying persons!
But it would be nice to see an UNBIASED study
in the LIVING!

is absolutely not the only remedy for
ANY drug, which reliably reduces the
is good:
Colloidla Silver, Andrographis, 98Alive
and a fair few others do a similar job:

It is really, really as simple as that!
“If you cannot explain it simply, you have not understood it well enough”
Albert Einstein

I hope, that I have stepped into the big shoes of my German country fellow
I hope, that I have explained this matter simple enough
I hope that I can contribute to bring an end to the


The message of CORONA

Let me quote somebody more famous than I:

After diving into politics with my previous posts,
I will now focus on the spritual aspects of the

There is NO EXCEPTION to this rule.
Any metaphor is an attempt
to make the invisible…

The visible disease of an individual is an attempt
to alert the ill person
of what is going wrong invisibly inside
The visible disease of the whole world tries to
alert us ALL
that something is going very wrong

If we want to understand dis-ease
on a spiritual level, 
we ‘only’ have to look at the picture, that is painted:

What does the CORONA-CRISIS look like?
The world is in a standstill!
does not make the world go round anymore!!!
Is there anything more important than MONEY?
Could this more precious value be…our…

The richest man on this planet cannot buy HEALTH!
Nobody can buy HEALTH!
HEALTH needs to be understood.
HEALTH needs to be valued.
HEALTH needs to be lived.

People rich and poor die of dis-ease!
People rich and poor die of Corona.
People rich and poor have come to CROWN a false king:
People rich and poor disregard HEALTH,
in oder to obey to the rules of
Somebody much more famous than I said:
“You cannot serve 2 masters!”
You either serve GOD…or:

Whom does the ‘disease-management-industry’ serve?
Do they serve GOD???
If they did…
…would it not be easy to deal with a little virus?
 We are living in the 21st century!
We are flying to Moon and Mars.
We construct aeroplanes, computers, vacuum-cleaners
But we cannot deal with a little virus???
What if…
What if the ‘disease-management-industry’ served the wrong master?

What if…
What if HEALTH was in the focus of our endeavours?
What if HEALTH was more important than money?
What if HEALTH became our master???
What if…

If HEALTH became our master
we would LIVE our LIVES!
If we LIVED our LIVES,
DEATH would not be a threat anymore!

DEATH is part of LIFE.
DEATH is actually the ONLY security in LIFE:
100% sure we will die one day.
Only, if we have not LIVED,
are we afraid of DEATH!

Who has LIVED a fruitful LIFE,
does not fear DEATH!
Who has LIVED their LIVES,
will die peacefully and with dignity!

Who has failed to LIVE,
will keep ‘waiting for an opportunity’,
clinging to the most reduced existence,
at the cost of others!


Every CRISIS bears a CHANCE!
This big CRISIS bears a big CHANCE!

People might wake up.
People might chose TRUTH over ‘comfort’.
People might prefer HEALTH over ‘disease-management’
People might understand, that you cannot buy HEALTH.
People might understand, that they have been serving the wrong master!
People might want to take the CROWN off the disease-management kings.
People might see, that this emperor is naked!

WHY NOT put HEALTH on the throne?
WHY NOT serve HEALTH in the first place?

Much needed different perspective on CORONA!

Not much for me to add here, except:

Manufactured Man-Made Madness

There is not much that I can add
Have a listen, have a look…

‘SCIENCE’ without any SPIRITUAL values
is prone to go astray.
It might be really as simple as that.

But there is actually GOOD science out there.
There are still some honorable scientists out there.
Much of the GOOD SCIENCE has actually been published 
in the leading medical journals, like NATURE
But any TRUTH is quickly pushed under the carpet,
branded as
“Conspiracy Theory’

We have been living
for quite some time now.
The ‘Corona Crisis’ is only the peak of the iceberg
Corona is the 

It is not all that astonishing, 
that we are facing a MEDICAL CRISIS:
Medicine is THE biggest market place on this planet.
Medicine has power over politicians
Medicine operates though FEAR.

I would not want to be in the shoes of our politicians!
They are surely desperate to do the right thing-
but they do not have ANY medical knowledge.
Politics is highly dependant on the BANKS already.
It will now become dependant on “Medical Experts”.
The revenues for the Phamaceutical industry from Corona are HUGE.
Someone WILL profit from Corona…
Not you, not me, not our politicians.

In every CRISIS, someone will PROFIT
Whoever profits, is behind it.
That applies to all walkways of life.

The answer is NOT:
Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson or the Queen.
Not even Angela Merkel!
They are doing their best…
…which might not be good enough.
It is not even the Federal Reserve Bank…
…or the Pharmaceutical Industry or Monsanto…
The answer lies much, much, much deeper.
Without the deeper understanding of the underlying forces of
as the peak of the iceberg of the
our questions will remain unanswered…

Do we question at all?
So far…I have only heard people whinging.
They want to go on with their ‘normal’ lives.
Are our lives all that ‘normal’?

to find ANSWERS…if you ASK…
The universal law here does NOT say:
‘Whinge and you will get’

For those of you, who are seeking answers:
Please read the copy of the 2015 NATURE article
and the 2020 disclaimer of the editors.

Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research 

Lab-made coronavirus related to SARS can infect human cells.

Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.

12 November 2015                                                                               

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An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.

In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human cells airway — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.

Although almost all coronaviruses isolated from bats have not been able to bind to the key human receptor, SHC014 is not the first that can do so. In 2013, researchers reported this ability for the first time in a different coronavirus isolated from the same bat population2.

Related stories

The findings reinforce suspicions that bat coronaviruses capable of directly infecting humans (rather than first needing to evolve in an intermediate animal host) may be more common than previously thought, the researchers say.

But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says.

Creation of a chimaera

The argument is essentially a rerun of the debate over whether to allow lab research that increases the virulence, ease of spread or host range of dangerous pathogens — what is known as ‘gain-of-function’ research. In October 2014, the US government imposed a moratorium on federal funding of such research on the viruses that cause SARS, influenza and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome, a deadly disease caused by a virus that sporadically jumps from camels to people).

The latest study was already under way before the US moratorium began, and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) allowed it to proceed while it was under review by the agency, says Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a co-author of the study. The NIH eventually concluded that the work was not so risky as to fall under the moratorium, he says.

But Wain-Hobson disapproves of the study because, he says, it provides little benefit, and reveals little about the risk that the wild SHC014 virus in bats poses to humans.

Other experiments in the study show that the virus in wild bats would need to evolve to pose any threat to humans — a change that may never happen, although it cannot be ruled out. Baric and his team reconstructed the wild virus from its genome sequence and found that it grew poorly in human cell cultures and caused no significant disease in mice.

“The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” agrees Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. Both Ebright and Wain-Hobson are long-standing critics of gain-of-function research.

In their paper, the study authors also concede that funders may think twice about allowing such experiments in the future. “Scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue,” they write, adding that discussion is needed as to “whether these types of chimeric virus studies warrant further investigation versus the inherent risks involved”.

Useful research

But Baric and others say the research did have benefits. The study findings “move this virus from a candidate emerging pathogen to a clear and present danger”, says Peter Daszak, who co-authored the 2013 paper. Daszak is president of the EcoHealth Alliance, an international network of scientists, headquartered in New York City, that samples viruses from animals and people in emerging-diseases hotspots across the globe.

Studies testing hybrid viruses in human cell culture and animal models are limited in what they can say about the threat posed by a wild virus, Daszak agrees. But he argues that they can help indicate which pathogens should be prioritized for further research attention.

Without the experiments, says Baric, the SHC014 virus would still be seen as not a threat. Previously, scientists had believed, on the basis of molecular modelling and other studies, that it should not be able to infect human cells. The latest work shows that the virus has already overcome critical barriers, such as being able to latch onto human receptors and efficiently infect human airway cells, he says. “I don’t think you can ignore that.” He plans to do further studies with the virus in non-human primates, which may yield data more relevant to humans.

The Corona Virus is not the first man-made bug,
which has escaped…


I will be safe!
For sure, I have enough toilet paper to throw at the virus…
-if that helps!-
…but I have also got this little brown bottle!!!

The little brown bottle contains an ANTI-VIRAL remedy.
It’s really, really as easy as that!

Since long, various ANTI-VIRAL remedies have been available!
Effective AND cheap!!!
All of those remedies have been pushed under the carpet and poopooed by
the Medical Mafia and their allies
The more effective, the more poopoo…

“Who doesn’t listen, has to feel!”
One of our old German proverbs

Most of the information about Modern Medicine is out there
Much information about ANTI-VIRAL remedies is out there!!!
You can either listen to it…
…or FEEL…
FEEL the consequences of a deluded Medicine,
which has lost all possible scientific and ethical standards-
for their own gains and monetary profit.
If you keep following this collective delusion…

If you want something different:

WHY actually are we sooo upset about this little virus?
We have gotten used to peple dying before their time on a huge scale:
Heart attack, Dementia, Cancer
The figures for DIS-EASE are sky-rocketing-
despite all our -sooo ‘scientific’- efforts.
WHY don’t we simply get used to dying before our time?

The answer is quite simple here:
We actually DO!
Since long, we have put up with it.
Dying of old age has become a rare priviledge.
Most of us die from some ‘killer-disease’.
And we put up with it.
But we don’t seem to put up with the little Corona-virus.

If you die slowly, it is hard to pinpoint the ‘culprit’.
If you die quickly, there is some kind of ‘murderer’ behind it.
As long as we can identify the ‘agressor’, we feel ‘attacked’.
If we cannot identify the ‘agressor’, we simply put up with it.
We have collectively, since long, put up with:

The CORONA crisis bears a CHANCE!
Every CRISIS bears a CHANCE.
Some people might understand, that

We DO NOT have to put up with it!
NOT with dying quickly
NOT with dying slowly!

For any change to happen,
we need to identify, what is really making us ill…
..what makes us die before our time:
of our medical ‘specialists’
keeps keeping us in the Dark.

They cannot even do their own homework properly any more!
Australia’s Minister of Home Affairs,
Mr. Peter Dutton
has tested positive for the Coraona Virus yesterday.
3 days prior to that, he is pictured sitting next to the PM
But, surely…, the PM is out of the woods,
says some ‘medical expert’.

Where did ‘expert’ get this from?
Assumptions, I assume.
Do we have any ‘scientific’ proof about the contagious period here?
Most viral diseases are contagious way before they show symptoms:
Chicken Pox 1-3 days
Measles 3-5 days
Rubeola 1 week
Why the assumption:
“Corona is only contagious 24 hours before symptoms”
I strongly doubt!
I doubt the expertise of any self-acclaimed ‘experts’!!!

I am leaning back, watching it all unfold.
I feel happy with my toilet paper.
I feel 100% safe with the little brown bottle.

If you want to relax as well:

For sure – so far:


Political Correctness is NEWSPEAK

When George Orwell wrote his famous novel 1984,
he meant it as a warning,
NOT an instruction manual!

The year 1984 is well choosen:
from the mid-eighties on, we have been witnessing a rapid decline
of the freedom of thought and speech,
even of the ability to think and speak.
‘Social’ and other Media are destroying our ability to think,
SMS lingo is destroying our ability to speak.

In 2020, Big Brother’s Ozeania is well established in the Western World.
‘Bellyfeel’, ‘Duckspeak’ and ‘Doublethink’
have become as common as
‘Crimethink’ and ‘Facecrime’
We call it:

The Brainwash of PC starts ever earlier:

In Kindergarten, a young child has to learn, that
the victim is the perpetrator and the perpetrator is the victim
Kindergarten does not seem to be early enough to infect young souls:
Many babies and toddlers end up in institutions,
which are unable to teach WRONG from RIGHT.
Bullying in schools has become a daily reality.
In Oldspeak bullying was simply WRONG.
In Newspeak, it is the RIGHT of the perpetrator.
What kind of adults do we expect our brainwashed children to become?

What is your “gender expression”?
In Oldpeak it was simply MAN and WOMAN
But, of course, a MAN and a WOMAN are prone to commit
MOTHER and FATHER used to give guidance to their children.
What can we expect from “parent 1” and “parent 2”,
who fit so perfectly into Ozeanea’s artsem program?

Whilst I am writing this post,
an outcry is going through Australia:
Hannah Clarke and her 3 children were murdered
by their ‘loving’ father.
Not only the police commisioner thinks,
that the perpetrator murderer could have been driven ‘too far’…

Much lipservice is given to protecting people from 
But nothing happens!
Have you ever been the victim of Domestic Violence?
Did you get ANY help?

There will be NO HELP
WRONG will be WRONG again
RIGHT will be RIGHT.

Perpetrators, who grow up in the security of
Why should they ever stop?

Perpetrators can be male and female!
Female perpetrators rarely become physically violent.
They are masters in gossipping and manipulation.
‘Social Media’ are a female domain.
Many girls’ souls and lives have been destroyed by GIRLS.
Many mens’ lives have been destroyed by a woman.

The Clarke family gave an interview to “A Current Affair”.
So did the MALE victim of Sarah Jane Parkinson.
Women AND men can be VICTIMS!
In our so overly materialistic world, we think, that
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE equals physical violence!
But this is not true.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE equals controlling and manipulating.
Control and Manipulation can happen via mental or physical violence!!!

Physical Violence is only the peak of the iceberg.
Murder is the icing on top of it all.
Interestingly enough, society only reacts to murder.
Briefly, we are upset.
Briefly, some money will be collected,
so that we have the illusion, that we help…
…only to enable us to go back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible.

But how ‘normal’ is the norm in our Modern Times?
Is it normal, that a 12 year old schoolboy is beaten and left to die
without the slightest consequences for his ‘mates’, who did it?
Is it normal, that a school director, who dares to protect his students 
from some little narcicistic shithead, who keeps disturbing the class,
is removed from his office?
Is it normal, that European girls are gang-raped by Muslim immigrants?

The ‘NORM’ is the consensus of the majority.
In Oceania, all this has become our NORM.
With YOUR consent!

So, don’t cry your crocodile’s tears for Hannah and her kids!
Don’t even dare to cry, if you are ‘politically correct’!!!
Don’t try to buy yourself out with your petty money!

Don’t cry for Hannah!
YOU all have driven her there.
What kind of life would have awaited her and her kids?
“Mediation” with a criminal.
“Youth Services’ ” uneducated opinions
Constant abuse of all 4 of them by one single little shit-head…
Endless suffering!

Rowan Baxter and Sarah Jane Parkinson should have been stopped
in Pre-school latest!
Send them to a labour camp, where they can make up for their shit!
If they learn, re-integrate.
If they don’t learn…
PROTECT society!
PROTECT their future victims!

Beautiful Hannah and her beautiful children 
have taken the quickest way OUT!
OUT of your lies and hypocrisy.
OUT of a battle, that they could not win.
OUT of the madness of Newspeak
OUT of

The Message behind the Australian Bushfires

The world has been watching the Australian bushfires in shock.
Pictures and videos of this apocalyptic catastrophe looked as if taken in hell…
What could be the message here?

Predictably, many people have strong opinions on these matters.
Predictably, the ‘climate change’ card was played immediately.
Predictably, politicians tried to get their personal gain out of this crisis.

But there were other voices as well:
Israel Folau reckons this is all God’s punishment
Barnaby Joyce says there are Higher Forces in play
Jeremy Clarkson postulates God is embarrassed by Australia
Piers Morgan lashes out it’s all the PM’s fault
Karl and Ally suggest they would know how to lead through disaster

Where is the TRUTH in all these attempts to explain?
Opinions do not equal TRUTH!
What I have found over the years:
The less KNOWLEDGE – the stronger the opinions
But HOW would we KNOW?

 Let’s make this short:
is my answer

Why would I dare to add yet one more opinion
to the general confusion,
if I did not have something helpful to say?

Ricky Gervais was right:
Don’t use your limited background for a political speech!
This is NOT a political speech!!!

For decades now, I have been using
to find out the TRUTH in a matter.
I have made major life decisions depending on
So far, it has always worked!

When I asked with
“What do these bushfires try to tell us???”
The only answer was:

For thousands of years, Indigenous people have burnt the bush!
Indigenous people KNEW about the neccessity of controlled fires.

Australian Farmers used to burn the bush.
Australian Farmers KNEW controlled fires would protect their farms.

Australian Bureaucrats forbid these controlled fires.
is an alien concept for any bureaucrat!

is an alien concept for any bureaucrat!
Australia’s BUREAUCRACY is outstanding:
Bureaucracy is the only growth factor in Australia!
Bureaucracy is paralysing Australia.
Australia’s Bureaucracy is the most invasive on this planet!

Of course, it’s getting warmer.
Climate change is a fact.
But it is getting warmer everywhere.
Australia’s contribution to climate change is miniscule!
WHY did AUSTRALIA burn???

I am writing this article on
Australia could be a Paradise on Earth!
But this pristine paradise is sold out by the people in power,
by the bureaucrats…
Somewhere Out West, I once read:
” Australia was a virgin-until bureaucracy f***** it”

BUREAUCRACY is the mightiest representative of The (D)EVIL on Earth.
BUREAUCRACY is invasive, self-serving and paralysing.
BUREAUCRACY comes at a very high cost!

BUREAUCRATS usually have a very limited knowledge 
BUREAUCRATS usually decide about matters they cannot judge
BUREAUCRATS number 1 goal is to keep their seat

AUSTRALIA is the World’s number 1 in BUREAUCRACY.
BUREAUCRACY is the NUMBER 1 tool of the (D)EVIL.
Why would AUSTRALIA not burn???

There is a bit of TRUTH in all those vain attempts to explain disaster.
In an odd way, Jeremy Clarkson comes the closest:
GOD has given this pristine paradise to its people.
And they f*** it up with
instead of being
God should be embarassed!

These apocalyptic Australian bushfires do not warn us of ‘Climate Change”
We know about climate change-even without Greta’s woke lectures.
The Australian bushfires have a different message:

has spoken
It makes sense, doesn’t it?
TRUTH always makes sense!
A good way to access



It seems to be unquestionable, that the SUN is one of our mayor life sources:
Too easy.
In fact, the SUN is one of the 4 elements,
which are compulsory for any form of LIFE : fire, water, air and earth.
Obviously the SUN represents the element FIRE.

Like any other of these 4 elements the SUN is compulsory for LIFE.
And as much as any of the other elements, it is able to destroy life.
It is all a question of the right dosage…….

Whenever I can, I spend a few days at the beautiful beaches of the
Lately, when the summer heat was pretty intense,
I would take my dog to the beach for SUNrise.
One of these days, at SUNrise,
there was this group of young surfers-even before SUNrise.
They looked as if they came from a different planet:
Like in the old days!
It was such an unexpected pleasure to watch,
a pleasure, that has become quite rare.
These impressions sparked my memory:
I suddenly remembered, how much a sun-tanned skin was associated with
when I was young.
Every kid with a white skin was regarded as weak and ill,
we would not even consider to play with them.
was probably the WORST attribute that we could give to fellow child.
Never would we have considered wheeling an ‘Indoor-Kid’ out for our team!
We were kids-
and we had COMMON SENSE!

When I came back to my car after a good long walk at the beach-
in the moderate morning SUN,
I had a look at the newspaper, which I had bought the day before.
“Shock new rules over SUN exposure”
was the headline.
“Australians should wear Sunscreen every day, before leaving the house…”
This headline sparked a fresher memory:
Little innocent babies under black gaze in their prams!
Children, who grow up as ‘indoor kids’-as a now ‘normal’ life concept
Young people, who take computer games for real LIFE.
All of them fill the doctors’ waiting rooms…
I have been living in a country throughout almost all my life, which certainly has difficulties to get enough SUN-LIGHT.
Germany has become a grey country.
This has not always been like this, though!
Germany has been one of the most advanced countries in Europe—this would certainly not have been possible under ‘lack of sun’ conditions, which you find over there nowadays.
How comes?
There might be more complex ways to give a proper answer to this question.
In this SUNlight-context, a good answer is:
The weather has changed.
When I was a child, growing up in Berlin city, there WAS absolutely enough access to SUNlight reliably hot summers, reliably cold and crystal clear winters.
We had a beautiful continental climate, very comparable to Moskau, but a bit less extreme.
Throughout the last 2 decades the weather has dramatically changed, dramatically!
We have had years after years, when we would not see the summer’s sun,
years after years of drizzling rain at various temperature levels according to the ‘season’ –
with only a few days or weeks of SUNlight…
The Germans are somehow kept alive like prisoners in a dark prison cell,
one hour per day of ‘Hofgang’,
just to keep us alive.

How comes and WHY?
WHO would want the German people to live in the DARK?
How about some ‘conspiracy theory’ here?
I am convinced,…I KNOW, that we are all already living
‘conspiracy practice’!!!!
Since 1984.
George Orwell has chosen the title of his classic masterpiece with precision!
A HUGE! Part of ‘conspiracy practice’ is:
Make people ILL!
Whoever is ill, will be afraid.
Whoever is afraid, will be easy to subdue.
There are MANY ways to make people ill.
ONE of the most powerful ways to make otherwise healthy people ill:
Deprive them of SUNLIGHT!
In most countries of the Western World,
this SUN-Deprivation works via “Chem-Trails”
is too big for Chem-Trails.
The “OZON Saga” was created…
for precisely the countries, where the Chem trails don’t work.
Read 1984 once again!
‘Wrongspeak’ works at its best through organizations,
which are perceived as the ‘rebels’, the ‘good guys’….
Watch out for the ‘do-goodders’!!!-and do dare to USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!!!

In Germany it seems to be a bit easier to use this common sense in regards to the
‘global warming myth’: It is tangibly getting colder over there from year to year!

Nevertheless, our German Greens and all the other ‘white-left do-goodders’
keep talking about the dangers of the ‘global warming’—
even MORE in Germany(where we are freezing meanwhile!)
When I was still living in Germany, I used to try and make little jokes about:
“I would not mind a bit of global warming—
since we have to use our central-heating almost throughout the whole year meanwhile…”
Not so good a joke for most of the ‘very good guys’

In Australia it is certainly not so much a question of not getting enough sunlight!
Australia is such a big and huge county, a continent!
It is just not as easy as it is in Germany to influence the weather.
Lucky you!
But do you really benefit???

In Germany, ‘they’ use ‘Chem Trails’ to take the SUN away from us.
Germany is a congested country and so is our air space:
If you don’t know anything about Chem Trails, just ‘google’ it –
there is enough information out there!
Back in Germany, we could absolutely predict, when ‘they’ would use chem trails:
any beautiful clear and sunny morning…soon you could see a grid of chem-trails in the sky and the first clouds forming by 10 or 11am, depending on the actual moisture of the air….
Absolutely predictable for 11 months per year.
There would always be a short – rather unpredictable – period, where they would leave us alone for a couple of days—with proper sunlight…just to keep us alive…’Hofgang’.
A few days of ‘Hofgang’ per year for a whole intelligent nation.
If nothing has broken us so far…this will do the job!

I am aware, that ‘they’ are still trying to use chem trails here in Australia as well.
I have seen them in the Ipswich area and west of Newcastle…
But it looks as if this would not be really suitable for Australia:
Your airspace is as vast as your continent, there is just not enough air traffic to really cover your sky with clouds from the chem trails…
Lucky you!

But do you really benefit?
Do you ?????????
The shelves of your chemists and health food stores are full with Vitamin D .
This is ridiculous!
Your young generation is ill and on the dole.
Is this really necessary?
Australia is one of the biggest markets worldwide for DRUGS.
Australia’s suicide rate amongst young males is the highest in the world.
The Australian doctors’ offices are full with pale, white ‘indoor’ children.
How has this happened?
Australian kids used to be strong and heathy and sportive…
…not sooo long ago.
Most of you will remember!
What have you gained?

The weather is changing, YES.
And much of this change is man-made, YES.
But the big changes are not made by little YOU and little me.
The BIG changes to our world are made by the BIG players.
And they keep trying to put the blame on little me and little you.
If ‘carbon’ at all played a big role in the climate change,
it’s not so much your little or big car,
It’s their factories…and chem-trails.

The ‘OZON-hole’ is a lie.
Why would it hover exclusively over Australia and New Zealand?
because their Chem-Trails don’t work over here.

You have been made afraid of the SUN for decades now!
What have you gained?
Are the Australians any healthier, any happier now???
The ones of you, who have been here for generations—THINK!!!
How often did you have to go and see a doctor as a child?
You would have played outside naturally, made your little experiences,
you would have overcome your little or bigger dis-eases…just naturally, I hope.
How often do ‘modern’ mothers in Australia take their kids to the doctors?
Every second day!
Gluten-intolerance here, ADHS there, you name it.
Even ordinary pets have to go and see ‘their’ Vet regularly.
Do you really think, that this is ‘normal’?
Or is this inner voice, your common sense, ‘the soft voice of your soul’,
is this inner voice desperately telling you:
Your inner voice might be right.
NO, it is NOT ‘normal’, that you have to take you kids to the doctor all the time,
It is NOT NORMAL, that your chemists’ shelves are filled with useless Vitamin D,
it is NOT at all ‘normal’, that many Australians suffer from the symptoms of
This is totally abnormal and unhealthy and completely unnecessary
It is very UN-AUSTRALIAN!!!
The SUN is a natural gift to Australia.
PLEASE treat this huge gift with gratitude!

BUT…I hear you say..BUT… there is this huge big problem with the skin cancer!
Let me tell you the following :
“SunScreen is probably THE biggest LIE in medicine so far!”
The TRUTH is:
The more sunscreen you use, the more prone you are to develop skin cancer.

Let me invite you to my reasoning
and YOU will have to judge and make up your mind on how to use my information.

Let us start wit a couple of simple facts.
Our brown skin is THE BEST and ONLY protection against the potentially harmful spectrum of the sun’s radiation.
Our bodies have been adapted to the sunlight over millions of years!!!
As we all know , there are regional differences, though:
In the areas with more sun-exposure, you will find the people with the darker skins.
Too easy.
Have you ever seen a skin cancer in a black African or an Australian Aboriginal???
No??? So, why’s that?
Maybe, because they are protected by their DARK skin ??????????
There are certain cells in the skin, which produce the Melanin, the ‘Melanocytes’.
These cells produce the substance, which taints our skin, according to the individual needs.
These cells need some training.
ANY body function need training!
If an Irish red-head immigrates to Australia
or a German “Stuben-Hocker” comes over for a 2 week’s holiday…
we would not expect their skin to cope.
Their skin need SUN-training!
Like in a normal workout:
Every day a little bit more,
pushing your boundaries a little bit but not too much…
If someone is really very ‘Nordic’ by heritage,
this ‘skin-training’ can take generations.
But eventually,
the skin of the second or third generation will adapt to the new environment…
unless…they are deprived of such a life-changing training.

Of course, and this is COMMON SENSE again much more than medical knowledge!,
of course it will be difficult for a very fair skinned person from Ireland
to have the same exposure to sunlight as a bushman right away…
This might take a couple of generations!
Therefore the fair skinned immigrants to Australia,
most particularly every ‘Nordic’ offspring,
they will have to be careful with the sun exposure…for generations!
But they can only improve…with training!
Consider this:
More than 90% of ALL medical studies in the ‘West’ are paid by the pharmaceutical industry.
Medicine is THE biggest market place in the world-still sky-rocketing!
Very obviously, the Pharmaceutical Industry profits from DIS-EASE.
The DO NOT profit from HEALTH!
The Pharmaceutical Industry
ALL sunscreens
ALL the products, which are needed for sun deficiency, like artificial Vitamin D
ALL all the remedies, which are needed for the resulting dis-eases…like skin cancer!
the worldwide pharmaceutical Mafia
keeps producing their own revenues…
at the high cost of anybody, who believes in their LIES.

But…I hear you object…this is all scientifically proven!
What exactly do YOU KNOW about so called ‘SCIENCE’???
Do you KNOW, how ‘scientific’ studies are conducted?
When have you last participated in or even designed any ‘scientific’ experiment???

I have been a member of the Medical ‘research community for a decade of my life.
Out of this profound experience, let me tell you:
ANY medical study can produce EXACTLY the results they want to see!
You only have to design your studies accordingly.
“Never trust a ‘scientific’ study, that you have not falsified yourself!”
This is what I have learned at Uni
from a mathematician.
And he was right!
MANY have meanwhile understood, that ‘modern science’ is fooling us.
Just have a THINK!

BUT…I hear you say…BUT…I have to use my sunscreen in order to keep me protected against skin cancer, I have to advise my children accordingly to keep them protected…
Think twice!

1. The SUN is our life source—there is NO life without sun!!!
2. The SUN is our life source—there has never been life without sun!!!
3. The SUN is our life source—there will never be life without SUN!!!!

4. The sun has a very broad range of wavelengths.
Only a very small portion of the sunlight is perceived by us as the ‘visible light’.
MOST of the Sun’s wavelengths are useful AND necessary for us!!!
Only some are potentially harmful.
Sunscreen, any sunscreen!!!, filters many of the useful waves, so that they cannot reach us !
Sunscreen does NOT filter the harmful radiation to an extent that gives you any protection from the harmful radiation!!!
Sunscreen does protect you against the thermic radiation-the sun-burn- to some extent.

Now think twice again!
The VERY NORMAL reaction to a SUN-burn is:
Get out of the sun and stay away from it!
If you don’t feel the burn any more…because the ‘sunscreen’ avoids the burn…
wouldn’t the sunscreen give you a false feeling of security?
This is PRECISELY what happens:
With ANY! Sunscreen you don’t get burnt any more. Terrific!
But the thermic damage, the sun-burn
You will not get any cancer from a burn on your stove, will you?
The pain of the burn will warn you to touch the hot frying pan again.
Therefore this-painful-burn is your best protection!
The very same pattern applies to an ordinary sun-burn:
The pain of the thermic damage, the burn, keeps you out of danger!
Once you don’t feel the burn any more,
you might think, that you are safe.
But this is a very FALSE SECURITY!
It’s not the radiation, which causes the burn, which also causes cancer.
Skin Cancer is caused by a different radiation, which your senses cannot perceive!
This is very comparable to X-Ray radiation:
We cannot see it, we cannot smell it, we cannot perceive it-
but it is deadly in a higher dosage.
In regards to the SUN:
Every really good remedy is potentially deadly in a high dosage.
The same applies to the SUN.
The ONLY viable way to get the dosage right:
And apply: COMMON SENSE!!!

But, if you meanwhile mistrust your good old Aussie common sense…
There is also REAL SCIENCE behind my reasonings!
In fact, there is a fair bit of fairly independent science on this planet already.
Everybody can access it!
The vast majority of the independent SUN-research agrees:
The massive rise in skin cancer in Australia goes absolutely hand in hand with…
the massive rise in the use of sunscreen!
Just have a look at the figures!
And dare to think out of the mainstream boxes.
FACT IS: The sunscreen has not solved the skin cancer problem.
So, maybe…it’s time for a different, even opposite, approach?

In Germany, we don’t have many skin cancer problems.
Just because there is not much need of sunscreen.
We have many other problems related to the lack of SUN.
I personally became interested in the skin cancer subject in Australia.
In my early days I met a person, who was literally eaten up by the skin cancer and who had been using a very extreme kind of sunscreen ‘protection’ in the last 2 decades….
His son was somehow sure, that the sunscreen had caused the whole disaster.
Having browsed through some good medical literature, I simply agreed.
Ever after I have made some random personal studies:
I simply asked these many people in the streets with the very visible skin cancers:
“What did you do?”
MOST of them had been using sunscreen with a very high ‘protection’ factor for a long time…
THINK again and again!

Another aspect:
Vitamin D—NATURALLY produced Vitamin D is one of THE BEST protections against any kind of cancer, skin cancer included.
There are many publications about this FACT in medical literature and in the internet.
Just READ them.
And once again:
USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Artificially produced Vitamins or any other artificial substances will NEVER have
the same benefits as the originals.
The sunscreens hinder the natural Vitamin D production.
The many artificial Vitamin D products in the ‘health-food’ shelves only serve the vendors.

Last not least:
It is not a big secret, that many substances in the ‘sunscreens’ are directly carcinogenic.

The SUN.
I decided to relocate to Australia for many reasons.
One of my most important reasons for a move half around the globe was and is:
The SUN!

You might understand, that it hurts my heart to witness how
the formerly so strong and healthy Australians are made weak and ill
…simply by SUN – Deprivation.
A whole nation hiding away from this heavenly gift of nature…

Don’t let ‘them’ fool you!
Trust your Aussie Common Sense!
Refuse to bring up a weak and chronically ill next generation!
YOU AUSSIES, YOU can do better.
Your beautiful country, your continent, your children have deserved something better!
Don’t listen to self-acclaimed ‘experts’!
Take your own Aussie future in your own Aussie hands.
And apply
The SUN is our LIFE source!


The CHOLESTEROL-SAGA from Ariane Heller on Vimeo.

There is a lot of confusion out there in regards to HEALTH.

The abundance of information all around medical subjects is usually only adding to this confusion:
100 000 diets, 10 000 ideas how to cure cancer.
But disease is still on the rise…

Maybe it would help to change our perspective?
In my Blog posts I will introduce you to some different perspectives on common health issues.

I’ll start with the cardio -vascular diseases…still the number 1 cause of deaths worldwide.
CHOLESTEROL is still widely regarded as a major CAUSE of these ‘killer-diseases’.

But…if this was true…
Would not the massive consumption of low-fat products and ‘statins’ have improved our HEALTH???



Masaru Emoto makes this simple fact visible.
That’s why I chose him as an ambassador for
The New German ART of Healing

Autonomic Response Testing
is based on the light emission of our cells.
This can be measured qualitatively and quantitatively.
A healthy person radiates coherent light.
We perceive this as ‘good vibrations’.
An unhealthy organ radiates incoherent light.
With ART we can measure
the degree of coherence of every single part of our bodies!

When a person or some of their organ systems
loose coherence, ORDER,
disease can sneak in.
In reverse, this means
for ANY kind of HEALING:
Just because: